2019.11.16 (SAT) − 24 (SUN) 11AM−7PM ※最終日は5PM迄

一般 ¥1,000 / 学生 ¥500

kudan house(東京・九段下)

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2019.11.16 (SAT) − 24 (SUN) 11AM−7PM Open until 5PM on the last day

Adults ¥1,000 / Student ¥500

kudan house

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Imagine The Number of Photons.

A particle of light is called a photon. Mass is zero, size and charge are zero. Even in a dark room similar to a movie theater, 400 billion photons fall on your fingertips in just one second. Under sunlight, the number is 100,000 times. Our “seeing” is realized by the vast number of photons colliding with the ground, floors, walls, trees and people, and they continue to reflect and refract an unimaginable number of times. After 150 million kilometers of travel from the sun, new photons arrive on the ground one after another and continue to interact. Our bodies are immersed in such a space. Part of it reaches the eyeball, hits the retina through the lens, and the collision energy is converted into electrical energy and transmitted to the optic nerve. Imagine the number of photons flying in front of you.

Tool Development : Yuki Mizuno

Akira Wakita

Akira Wakita



Born in Tokyo in 1974. As an artist who crosses science and contemporary art, he uses simulations based on advanced numerical calculations to develop images, installations and live activities. His works have been exhibited at Ars Electronica Center, Mutek, WRO Art Center, Kiyoharu Art Colony and Miraikan. In 2016, he started a collaborative project with Tetsuya Komuro and presented his work at Ars Electronica Festival and RedBull Music Festival. Dean and Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University.